See this article. CrowdMed, (misspelt in the article,) could be of incredible interest to some.
It has a website, and a Wikipedia article on it.
(See this comment in this Wikipedia article – “Medical regulatory experts are also skeptical of the site, as they believe it is an “unauthorised practice of medicine.”” Large sections of the medical profession, of course, just want the system we’ve had for hundreds of years to continue, in which patients traipse from doctor to doctor, with very little guidance as to who’s good at what, paying $500-1,000 an hour to people who are often incapable of providing proper diagnosis, and will fight against organisations like Crowdmed “tooth and nail.”
We have not the slightest doubt about two things. Firstly, that despite this opposition, more and more organisations like Crowdmed will keep emerging all round the world. Secondly, that there will be more and more people with expertise in working with these organisations to assist patients to know exactly what’s wrong with them much more quickly, more accurately and more cheaply than happens at present – whether they will be doctors or others remains to be seen. Perhaps readers know of such people already?
Of course, in the meantime, stories of tragic misdiagnoses abound.
(Of course, dud doctors always start off with a wrong diagnosis, perhaps unintentionally through their ignorance, but perhaps even intentionally, so that they can use it as a basis for the wrong treatment which gives them more money than the right treatment. The story of Dr Andrew Brooks, Urologist, is a classical example of this latter.)
We’d love to hear from readers who have any feedback on these matters.