To us getting answers to our questions is not about information, it’s about people.
Although our primary interest is in managing our health and well being, this example from the world of technology illustrates our point.
We’ve always used Apple computers, and the latest operating system for their computers is “OS X,” and some time ago, we’re not sure how, we got on the mailing list for a daily email called “OS X Daily.” So every day for the last 306 days we’ve got an email providing more information on OS X.
Here’s an example of the beginning of one of these emails.
But there’s no way that we have time to even skim through these emails, let alone to become expert in what they are about – so we just put them into one of Apple Mail’s mailboxes for “later!” Yet, we are using OS X all the time, and from time to time have questions about it, and not having answers to these questions holds us back, sometimes badly, in our work on our main work.
To us, ideally, there would be one or more people somewhere on the planet who are experts in all that’s in these 306 emails, who we knew about, and who we could email with our questions and get back great answers which we could print out and put into action.
We don’t want to be referred to some frequently asked questions – unless they are directly relevant. We don’t want to join any discussion groups. We just want specific answers to specific questions.
There’s information everywhere. There’s probably hundreds of times more information in the word than there’s ever been. But what we want to know about is locating the people who can best put together the information that’s relevant to our questions. We shouldn’t be scratching around trying to research the answers to our questions when there are people somewhere who know the answers to our questions like they know the backs of their hands.
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