Ms Jillian Skinner NSW Minister for Health 2

An article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald with this heading:-

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You’d think that if Ms Skinner was ever going to get anything right, it would be in making sure that ambulances didn’t get lost when responding to triple-zero calls!!!!!, and that every assistance would be provided to “ambos” to make sure that patients were taken to the most appropriate hospitals for their problems so that lives weren’t lost!!!!

We wrote to Ms Skinner a few months ago about an article referring to this latter problem, and got nowhere, of course.

The best you can expect, when you write to her, (as we will about this matter,) is that many months later you’ll get a reply to “your email” with the date of “your email” notĀ supplied, (the height of rudeness,) leaving you to scramble to find what she’s responding to. And the reply will be of very little help, if any.

We’ve been writing to Ms Skinner since before she became NSW’s Minister for Health on 3 Apr 2011, and she used to bemoan the fact that it was difficult it for her to respond properly to emails without “the benefits of office” – and since she’s hadĀ “the benefits of office,” it’s got worse!

That she still remains the Minister for Health 5 years, 2 months and 12 days after being first appointed is one of the great scandals of the NSW health system – more than that, of life in NSW.

This blog is very much about how we, as health care system consumers, may be able to get around some of the deficiencies in our rotten health care systems, but there’s not much we can do if an ambulance responding to a triple-zero call may get lost and we may die unnecessarily, just because the completely and utterly useless and hopeless Jillian Skinner does nothing, even though she’s been warned by the unions about the situation. And just because “ambos,” for want of proper information, might take us to a hospital where we inevitably die when, just as easily, they could have taken us to one where our life could have been saved.

And of course, Mike Baird, never shows any interest in things like this – he claims to be “committed to establishing an open and accessible Government,” when it’s all lies. At the same time he’s using every trick in the book to make it difficult to contact him – use this link.

Perhaps some of our readers would like to take issues up like this up with Jillian Skinner and Mike Baird and let us know how they get on. We get angry with ourselves at times at how much time we’ve spent in our life in dealing with Jillian Skinners and Mike Bairds of this world – perhaps 3 or 4 years – without getting anywhere. We’re trying to not spend any more time.

One thing’s for sure – lots of things that need to be done are never going to get done if it depends just on us.

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