Can you think of anything simpler?
That health care services consumers should be able to email a doctor, using an ordinary email address, requesting them to let us know whether helping patients with particular health and/or well-being problem is within their areas of expertise and that we should at least get back a link taking you to somewhere on the world wide web that has their areas of expertise listed, and that there should be lists of doctors to whom such requests have been emailed with details of how they’ve responded.
All of this to save us health care services consumers from having to traipse from doctor to doctor, paying at least $150 out of our own pockets, (if we are seeing specialists, even after we’ve got our refund from Medicare,) until we happen to come across someone who can be truly helpful.
(You would think that it would be in the interests of doctors, more satisfying to them, to be only dealing with problems in which they were true specialists.)
Fortunately, in NSW/Australia there are some doctors, about 1 in 20, who operate in this way, and that maybe, as more and more of us health care services consumers realise that it’s utter madness to deal with the 19 in 20, more and more will join the 1 in 20.