Dr Kerrie Meades, Ophthalmologist – dealing with

One of our readers reports that ten years ago, in 2010, he was referred to Dr Meades for help with his developing double vision, and that his experiences with her and others in her rooms was so unsatisfactory that he made a formal complaint to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, and that when the Commission contacted Meades, she told them lie after lie after lie.

One of her many lies was that the reader had been “difficult to treat” because he had refused to have a cataract operation “as was clinically indicated,” and so she had concluded he was a hopeless case. Of course, the completely and utterly hopeless Commission fell for this “hook line and sinker,” (despite, amongst other things, the fact that we have never been able to find any claims that cataracts and double vision are connected in any way?) and the complaint was dismissed, and requests for the complaint to be reviewed have also been dismissed.

We make these allegations because our reader reports that he’s recently seen another Ophthalmologist who’s told him he still doesn’t need a cataract operation, more than ten years later!!!

It’s difficult not to start suspecting that Meades may have been making an industry out of carrying out cataract operations on unsuspecting patients when they didn’t need them ten years ago, and may still be doing it.

Attempts have been made to email Meades to get her side of the story, but she has blocked all emails both from our reader and us. And we will send a copy of this post to Sue Dawson, the Health Care Complaints Commissioner, and, of course, she won’t even acknowledge it – we’ve never been able to get any indication that Ms Dawson cares about things like this, or, in fact, anything. And we’ve never been able to get any indications from  Governments like the Berejiklian Government, that they care about things like this either.

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