If you want to know what an organisation or someone is REALLY like, get them to write something down, by writing them a letter or otherwise – it has always been so.
(This applies to all organisations and everyone – not just health and well-being practitioners.)
But what hasn’t always been so is the way emails make it so incredibly easy to send letters, and for those who get letters to respond, if that’s what they want to do.
That’s why organisations and people who don’t want you to know what they’re really like don’t have ordinary email addresses that are readily obtainable. It enables them to use other means to make people think about them how they want to be thought of.
It enables people like Mike Baird to put up catchy slogans like this on the internet when he uses every trick in the book to make it as difficult as possible to send him or any of his people a letter, to try and get them to write something down.
We’ve written elsewhere about how Jillian Skinner, his Minister for Health has had ordinary email addresses for the last 8 or 9 years, but now, to write to her, you have to use one of the wretched Mike Baird type forms.
Of course what we’re really looking for is organisations and people who have ordinary email addresses readily available AND track records of providing helpful answers to emails sent to them, because it’s our very strong view that we shouldn’t vote for people to represent us in parliaments if they’re not like that and that, all things being equal, we shouldn’t consider consulting and/or using health and well-being practitioners who aren’t like that.
(What we mean by “ordinary email addresses that are readily available” is that they can be quickly found by simple Google searches.)